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 " I found Jody through the Brenda Novak On-Line Diabetes Auction and she is editing my first manuscript. I am delighted and thrilled because I have been dreaming of just such a service. I have an extensive bibliography and lots of Internet resources. I joke about researching the Middle Ages into middle age. Jody really does bring fresh eyes to the project. The bonus is her 'regular' edits are stellar, she picks up things my writer's groups missed (and they are pretty stellar). So her work on my book is not just for historical accuracy, but stronger writing. I would highly recommend Jody for her professional editing and hope I can continue with my other books."   Anne Beggs , author 

"Jody Allen was instrumental in helping me hone in on the historical accuracy of my book set in the early eighteenth-century Highlands.."  Jennifer Haymore,  CAPTURED BY A CELTIC WARRIOR 

"... passionate about history.... a real understanding of author's need to balance accuracy and storytelling. She's the 'go-to' person for anyone with a question about Scotland... able to ferret out the most obscure details you need, regardless of your time and place." Blythe Gifford,, WHISPERS AT COURT 


.“,..classes on Scotland were a joy to take... knowledge is extensive...teaching style is accessible..a world of resources to share...and my library is all the richer for it. Highly recommended!Saskia Walker,  RAMPART, Harlequin Spice 

"The quality and accuracy of the information offered in Jody's workshops shows her dedication to history...She knows how to find those historical details that will make your story stand-out. I'll definitely be taking more of Jody's workshops."

Cari Gunsallus,   Workshop student

"....your input, advice and knowledge...helped me improve my manuscript to a point I would not have achieved by myself. "

Amber Fintzer copy-edit client

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